Cachorro salva criança de bote de jararaca no Rio
Dog saves child from viper attack in Rio de Janeiro
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In August 2006, a German Shepherd/Rottweiller cross saved a 2 year old child from a viper-like snake attack in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The following is a translation of a newspaper article about the incident. The original article can be found at this site:
The English translation of a phrase appears directly below the Brazilian Portuguese version. The English translation text is in blue.
A video clip of what a jararaca looks like is shown below the translation.
-------Main Article---------------
Três guardas do Grupamento de Defesa Ambiental (GDA) do Rio de Janeiro capturaram, por volta das 12h30 desta sexta-feira, uma jararaca de dois metros que se preparava para dar o bote em Miguel Almeida, 2 anos.
Three guards from the Environmental Defense Group (GDA) of Rio de Janeiro captured, at around 12:30pm on Friday, a viper(jararaca) of two meters in length that was about to lunge itself onto Miguel Almeida, who is 2 years old.
A criança brincava sozinha no quintal de casa, em Santa Tereza, e foi salva pelo cão de estimação Brutus, cruzamento de pastor alemão com rottweiler.
The child was playing alone in the backyard of the house, in Santa Tereza, and was saved by the family dog, Brutus, a cross between a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler.
Da janela da cozinha, a mãe, Flávia Pereira de Almeida, ouviu o cão grunir e o filho gritar.
From the kitchen window, his mother, Flávia Pereira Almeida, heard the dog gnarling and her son screaming.
Com outros dois filhos em casa, um com 12 anos e outro com 10, e sentindo-se incapaz de conter a cobra, Flávia acionou a equipe do GDA, com sede nas proximidades.
With two other children in the house, one 12 and the other 10, and feeling incapable of dealing with the snake, Flávia called the GDA, which has its headquarters in the neighborhood.
Ao chegarem, os guardas se depararam com o cão já agonizando e a cobra tentando dar o bote em Miguel.
The guards arrived at the juncture at which the dog was now in agony and the viper trying to lunge at Miguel.
Agindo rápido, os GMs conseguiram capturar a jararaca e salvar a criança. A equipe da Guarda Municipal tentou ainda reanimar o cão enquanto acionava o Corpo de Bombeiros.
Reacting quickly, the Municipal guards managed to capture the viper and save the child. The team from the Municipal Guard tried to resuscitate the dog while the team from the Fire Department were capturing the snake.
Os guardas também consolaram mãe e filho e se preocuparam em retirar a cobra do local, colocando o réptil em uma cesta e levando-o para a sede do grupamento.
The guards also calmed the mother and child and took it upon themselves to remove the snake from the locale, putting the reptile into a basket and taking it to the group's headquarters.
O cachorro recebeu uma injeção de soro anti-ofídico e foi lavado de volta para casa. A jararaca será levada ao Zoológico de Niterói.
The dog was given an anti-snake-venom serum injection and was returned to its home. The viper was taken to the Niterói Zoo.
Com 86 guardas por dia, o GDA atua no patrulhamento de mirantes, parques e Floresta da Tijuca, onde é responsável por controlar a presença de excursionistas, fazer o acompanhamento por trilhas e prestar orientações variadas.
Every day 86 guards of the GDA patrol tourist zones, parks and the Tijuca Forest, and their duties include controlling the presence of excursionists, providing accompaniment on cross-country trails, and handling miscellaneous issues.
Além de auxiliar a segurança de visitantes, do patrimônio e de inibir ações de vandalismo à natureza, o grupo reforça ações surpresas do Ibama contra caçadores.
Apart from providing security to visitors, protecting the natural heritage as well as inhibiting vandalism of nature, the group provides back up to the undercover operations of IBAMA against poachers.(NOTE: IBAMA is an acronym for the Brazilian Institute Of Environment And Renewable Natural Resources, written as Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis in Brazilian Portuguese)
Inúmeros materiais de caça foram apreendidos e mais de 100 acampamentos de caçadores já foram descobertos e destruídos. Em seis anos de atuação na Floresta da Tijuca, o GDA já capturou sete cobras, contando a de hoje, sendo quatro jararacas e três jibóias.
Numerous poached items have been unearthed and more than 100 poachers' camps have been discovered and destroyed. In six years of operation in the Tijuca Forest, the GDA has captured seven snakes, and taking into account the one caught today, includes four vipers and three boas.
-----------------End of translation--------
A video clip of what a jararaca looks like is shown below:
And here's another one.